Saturday, August 18, 2007

PeeWee's Big Adventure

the day of PeeWee's Big Adventure is rapidly approaching. I will be leaving DM Tuesday August 21st. We got the famous Iowa State Fair under our belts(literally). I ate enough porkchop on-a-stick,funnel cake, rootbeer float and drank beer enough for anyone who might read this. i ate my very first porkchop on a stick
ever and it was so good that i had to have a second one (a few hours later of course). the 2nd one was not as good. i wondered if that was pyschological or if there is some existenial condition that prevents us from recapturing the moment( law of diminishing returns- maybe its economical). The ancient greek philosopher Heraclitus said it best " you can't eat the same porkchop twice". (he may not of said that exactly -college was a long time ago- but i'm sure that is what he meant).

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