Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Biography notes for 40th high school reunion 2005

Bio for 40th High School reunion

I daydreamed my way through Jr. High with game winning homeruns and last second
jump shots. Then in high school Sergeant Streetwise of Worldly Wisdom fame
handed me paper route bags and yelled that if I didn't haul ass and go to
college I'd end up sipping wine from paper-bags in downtown alleyways. Even
though Jesus whispered not to fear that there are things more important than
money and fame.
In college rock music caused my hair to grow long as I dodged bullets while
Saintly Philosophers convinced me that the world was hostile and life was doomed unless
Justice and Equality were elected. I voted for both but they lost in a
landslide. I vowed never to give in to middle class apathy and to run free with the wind in my face
like the lion in the songs. Then someone told me the lion had been shot. So I impostered at some
jobs for awhile until I was captured. I've spent 25 years in a cubicle computerizing the
logical arrangement of numbers that justify the status quo. Soon I'm suppose to be
released into retirement, which is allegedly a good thing. But I no longer have any hair for
the wind to blow through so it won't be the same as freedom. The world I hear is still a
hostile place but my wife of 23 years helps me not to dwell on that and meanwhile life
outside goes on all around me.

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