Thursday, October 11, 2007

smooth as a sow's ear

The pace maker change out went smoothly (or as the iowa heart referred to it the "generator change out"). I had to ask because they kept saying generator and not pacemaker so they explained the terminology to me. The pacemaker is the generator aka
battery plus the wire leads that connect the "battery" to the heart's electrical nodes.
Since they did not have to replace the wires they call it a generator change out.
I have to take it easy for a couple of days to let the incision heal but i plan on
excercising tomorrow. I had been feeling extremely lethargic for awhile so i'm anxious to see if the new "battery" helps. i think it includes a new computer too.
I was unsure if the tiredness was due the battery being low or the anti-seizure meds or both.

I just heard Doris Lessing won the 2007 Nobel Prize for Litature :

Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to do so.

Doris Lessing

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