Sunday, September 30, 2007


still working on unpacking. Bob made it home on Friday and had a successfull openhouse on Saturday. I forget how many retirement condos he had built there in Bellingham but i was very impressed with that town which unlike seattle operated at
a calmer pace. Bob got to visit the family while he was here. I still feel bad for disrupting his schedule but he claims he was getting an escape from the grind.
They put me on some anti-seizure medicine which is making me feel very tired most
of the time not to mention foggy- it seems to affect my short term memory...
what did i just say??
I have a heart doctor appointment for Wednesday to check the possibility that the seizure may have been caused by my pacemaker battery wearing out. Because of a shortage of neurologists in DM i couldn't get an appointment until october 31st
so i will have to stay on med at least until then.

On the drive home we stayed overnight at my brothers cabin in beautiful Wintrop WA.
Then while here we drove over to Iowa City for some much needed Thai food with
my other brother and two of our three sisters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Art,
I just got caught up on all your traveling travails and such.
These darn bodies of ours... sometimes at odds with our dreams and desires. Even with all my attempts [and sometimes successes] of meditating and staying in the present moment I still feel frustrated and despondent when my state of health demands that I make some changes in my lifestyle. But we both have humor, a tenacious spirit, and an insatiable curiosity for life and that all seems good to me.
And as for traveling. . . my sis rode Amtrak from Arizona all the way out here to Vermont and loved it! It's a leisurely way to travel and with Internet connection on the train! I look forward to meeting you on a train platform near me.
love and hugs,
from the Green Mountain State,